Investing in Technology,
Managing Funds with High-Tech!

Invest in technology for smarter, strategic growth. Our tech-driven funds offer innovative solutions to boost your portfolio and minimize risks.

BV Portfolio Management Inc. ("BV Portföy"), which sets out to establish and manage investment funds investing in venture capital and the shares of publicly traded technology companies, aims to provide its investors with value-added services through a strategic investment policy approach that balances their risk and return expectations. BV Portfolio aims to offer investors fund options consisting of shares of innovative and emerging trend technology companies, both domestically and internationally. BV Portföy manages portfolios with venture capital investment funds that will invest in technology companies and thematic investment funds consisting of technology-focused stocks.

BV Portföy provides services in the establishment and management of investment funds subject to the Capital Markets Law, targeting individual and institutional investors. Through its investment funds, BV Portföy aims to create value for investors with specially designed investment strategies. BV Portföy aims to design different investment products for investors through investments in domestic and foreign companies that build future technologies today. Conscious of protecting the rights of its investors in all investments it makes, BV Portföy focuses on investing in companies, both domestic and foreign, that build the technologies of the future.

Our Investment Philosophy

Creating Value through Experience and Knowledge

Our expertise in thematic funds and the gaming and tech startup ecosystem enables Boğaziçi Ventures to identify long-term opportunities in domestic and international public companies, creating value for investors.

Innovative Investment Approach

Unlike traditional fund management, BV Portföy closely monitors new investments and business plans that will drive future growth. With a 'Venture Capital Investment' approach, we base our decisions on thorough analysis and forward-looking insights.

Investing in the Champions of Tomorrow

Our philosophy is to invest in tomorrow's champions, grounded in the belief that companies' research and innovation drive future sales and profitability. We carefully track investments, approaching the process with a disruptive, forward-thinking mindset.

Our Board of Directors

Uğur Boğday

Chairman of the Board

Kenan Çolpan

Board Member

Burak Balık

Board Member

Zeynep Özgür Çağlayan

Board Member

Burak Şenyuva

Board Member

Our Management Team

Zeynep Özgür Çağlayan

Zeynep Özgür Çağlayan

General Manager

Graduated from METU Statistics Department, Aktuğ Alimoğlu completed his MBA at Bilkent University. He started his career at Demir Yatırım, worked at Deloitte and PWC, and held senior positions at Şekerbank, Fortis Portföy, Ak Portföy, and Burgan Yatırım.

Hüseyin Ömür Karakuş, CFA

Hüseyin Ömür Karakuş, CFA

Chief Investment Officer

A graduate of Boğaziçi University Chemical Engineering, Hüseyin Ömür Karakuş completed his Master's in Financial Engineering. He started his career as an equity research analyst at Fortis Portföy and worked as a fund manager at Ak Portföy. He holds a CFA license and is fluent in English.

Emel Demirsal

Emel Demirsal

İç Denetim Müdürü

İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü’nden mezun olan Emel Demirsal, Tacirler Yatırım’da başladığı kariyerine çeşitli portföy yönetim şirketlerinde devam etti. ING Portföy Yönetimi’nde İç Kontrol Müdürü olarak görev yaptı. SPK Düzey 3 ve Türev Araçlar lisanslarına sahip olup ileri düzeyde İngilizce bilmektedir.

Nurdan Göçmen Gençer

Nurdan Göçmen Gençer

Muhasebe Müdürü

İstanbul Üniversitesi ve Anadolu Üniversitesi mezunu olan Nurdan Göçmen Gençer, 2011 yılında Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavir unvanını aldı. Verusa Holding ve 24 Gayrimenkul’de muhasebe müdürü olarak görev yaptı. Çeşitli sanayi şirketlerinde çalışmıştır.

Ferda Taşdelen

Ferda Taşdelen

Fon Operasyon Müdürü

Marmara Üniversitesi Bankacılık Bölümü yüksek lisans mezunu olan Ferda Taşdelen, Citibank, Işık Fx, ve Hedef Portföy gibi firmalarda operasyon sorumlusu olarak çalıştı. SPK Düzey 3 ve Türev Araçlar lisanslarına sahiptir.

Tijen Korkmaz

Tijen Korkmaz

Satış Operasyon Yöneticisi

Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi İktisat Bölümü mezunu olan Tijen Korkmaz, Garanti Bankası’nda müşteri temsilcisi ve özel bankacılık operasyon yönetmeni olarak çalıştı. SPK Düzey 1 sertifikasına sahiptir.

Arlin Bal

Arlin Bal

Risk Birimi Yöneticisi

FMV Işık Üniversitesi İktisat Bölümü mezunu olan Arlin Bal, sermaye piyasalarında Meksa Portföy ve QNB Finans Invest bünyesinde görev aldı. SPK Düzey 3 ve Türev Araçlar lisanslarına sahip olup ileri düzeyde İngilizce bilmektedir.

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